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Business Expo Canada

Marvel Canada Business Expo 2024

Conference Program

Date: 24th - 25th FEB 2024

Registration Deadline : 31 October

How We start the Event Day

Registration Process

Registration Amount USD 6500 (all inclusive)

All participants invited to attend the conference must follow the registration process.

Please go to our expo registration page fillout the form and send it to us. After reviewing client’s credentials, a unique id will be issued to the client for payment of registration fee. Upon confirmation of payment a list of required documents will be sent to the client required for Canadian business visa processing. 

After receiving the required documents from client , our office will provide the confirmation of expo registration , invitation letter for expo, confirmation of booth and presentation slot, confirmation of hotel and transport for the process of canadian business visa.

Upon receiving the visa from Canadian embassy it is the sole responsibility of the participants to reach at the venue on time, register, and collect the conference materials. 

Opening Ceremony

The registration process will be followed by the openings ceremony, which appreciates the participants presence. Then, the conference chair, keynote speakers, and other guests will deliver speeches. Finally, a photo session and welcoming note will create a healthy discussion atmosphere.

Presentations, Questions, Answers and More

Participants will have information about the designated rooms / booths according to the topics. Then, they are requested to reach the rooms and submit their presentation as a ppt/pdf to the concerned organizers so they can copy it to their laptops.After that, there will be discussions, presentations, and question and answers. Poster/Video presentations may follow the above session. Also, educational visits and may conversations will benefit the convened individuals and the field.


Join Marvel Startups team innovation for two days of learning, inspiration, and creative Event. Investors/Inventors around the Globe will attend the Conference. Make connections, strike deals, and launch creative ideas into overdrive!

Who can attend Marvel Business Startup Conference?

Are you excited about starting or expanding your business to Canada and international market?
Marvel Business Startup Conference is open to a wide range of participants who are interested in startups, entrepreneurship, and innovation. The conference provides a platform for networking, learning, and collaboration among various stakeholders in the startup ecosystem. Here are the key groups of attendees who can benefit from attending the conference:


Venture capitalists, angel investors, and other funding sources looking for investment opportunities in promising startups. The conference offers a chance to discover and connect with high-potential startups seeking funding.
Aspiring and established entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own business or scale up their existing ventures. The conference provides valuable insights, practical advice, and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and industry experts.
Industry Leaders & Researchers
Professionals and researchers from various industries who want to stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and market disruptions. The conference offers opportunities to gain insights from industry leaders and exchange ideas with fellow professionals.

Business Development & Professional Services Advisors

Service providers and professionals offering support services to startups and entrepreneurs. This includes legal, accounting, marketing, consulting, and other professional service firms. Attending the conference allows them to connect with potential clients and showcase their expertise.Mentors, coaches, and advisors who provide guidance and support to startups and entrepreneurs. The conference offers networking opportunities and knowledge sharing platforms for advisors to connect with startups and share their expertise.
By bringing together investors, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, researchers, business development professionals, and advisors, the Marvel Business Startup Conference fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and growth within the startup ecosystem. It provides a valuable platform for attendees to learn from each other, forge strategic partnerships, and explore new opportunities for innovation and success.

Future Business Expo

We are committed to continuously evolving and delivering exceptional experiences to our participants. With each successive Expo, we strive to expand the range of industries represented, foster international collaborations, and introduce innovative features that enhance the overall event experience. Our future Expo endeavors to push boundaries, inspire innovation, and create opportunities for business growth.


Expo Dates Each year

24 -25 FEB  –  Registration deadline 31 OCT

01 -02 JUNE  –  Registration deadline 31 JAN

16 -17 NOV  –  Registration deadline 15 JUL

Are you interested in Marvel Startup Expo ?​

Marvel Business Expo and Seminars provide a dynamic platform for businesses to connect, learn, and grow. Through our meticulously curated events, we facilitate valuable interactions, showcase innovations, and empower professionals and organizations with the knowledge and connections they need to thrive in today’s competitive business environment.

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